Wednesday, May 21, 2008

And The TRUTH Shall Set You Free.

Last night as Natalie was getting ready for bed she decided to be disobedient in the process of going from brushing her teeth to sitting on her bed for story time (reading the Bible). Her disobedience immediately led to the consequence of a punishment. Then after some clear instructions, Natalie promptly headed into her room and hopped up on her bed for story time. We sat together as a family, opened up her new Bible and turned to the next story from the book of Genesis. As Natalie squirmed and shifted getting herself into just the right position Kelly and I glanced down at the Bible story and noticed the title.

After a somewhat held-back simultaneous chuckle Kelly read the title aloud, "Disobedience Brings Punishment."

Natalie looked at the Bible Story, looked up at us, and without hesitation said, "Let's not read that."

Now THAT was good for a laugh out loud. I'm sure you will agree, that children are both a blessing and a joy - especially in the unprompted things they say.
It's hard to tell what was going through Natalie's mind. Was she still feeling the effects of the consequences of her disobedience or was it God's Word piercing like a two-edged sword? A little bit of both I suppose.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

More Hands!

Day Camp Count Down

Things are going very well at the bookstore. When I last checked in a few days ago they had met their initial goal of supporting 15 kids. The wall behind the cash registers is growing with hands...all representing individuals who are making a great IMPACT at camp this summer. Day Camp is FREE...and those names on the wall are making it possible.

Don't forget - Saturday, MAY 17th - the bookstore will be having a huge sale all day AND a portion of the proceeds from the whole day will be given to Day Camp - "the camp for EVERY kid."

I know, some of you are saying, "But I don't live anywhere near the bookstore." Don't worry you can help send kids to Day Camp for free by simply sending an investment directly to the camp.

Who Likes the Circus More?

Every time the circus comes to town (or near by) Kelly is the first one to say, "Let's go!" For me, the circus is one of those things that I enjoy...once I'm there. This time though I was pretty eager for the experience because this was Natalie's first circus adventure.
Friday night after dinner we headed for town, excitedly talking about tigers and bears and elephants. We tried not to talk about such things as cotton candy, hotdogs. or expensive toys with internal spinning lights. We certainly didn't mention anything about clowns. Natalie's fir
st "costume" experience was Sparky, the Awana 2nd grader's mascot. Sparky came walking out of the main building here at came just as Natalie was about to enter. Apparently, a 5' 7" giant lightening bug/bumble bee has a slightly overbearing presence among small children.
We had an absolutely enjoyable time as a family. Natalie loved every minute of entertainment. She was pleasant and obedient the whole time. She even liked watching the clowns (especially the ones that kept their distance). We steered clear of junk food and those crazy light up toys, of which I heard one dad exclaim, "This thing was 15 bucks!" To top off the evening, when I was at the ticket window a lady came up behind me and threw two free admission tickets on the counter and said, "Here you go. Two people bai
led on me early today. I don't need these...enjoy." What a blessing!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Hands for Day Camp

Wow. Check out all those hands. Do they look familiar? Have you seen these hands before? Is your name on one of those hands?
Arrowhead Parable Christian Bookstore is making a huge IMPACT on Day Camp this summer. Just last week the bookstore began inviting costumers to make an IMPACT on our Day Camp this summer by INVESTING $1, $5 or $10 to help send kids to Day Camp for FREE! The pictures below are of hands placed on the wall behind the store registers. Each hand has a name on it...of someone who invested in Day Camp. After only a few days, 288 people have invested over $750. What a blessing!

But that's not all. On May 17th the bookstore will be having a HUGE SALE and a portion of the proceeds from the whole day will be given to Day Camp. So get to the store - to put up your hand AND to make the 17th a great success.

Our vision to make Arrowhead's Day Camp - "The Camp for EVERY Kid" is being accomplished. Stay tuned for Day Camp updates!