Friday, December 16, 2011

Don't blink!

A conversation yesterday came to a halt with the question, “So, how long have you been at Arrowhead?”  I paused for a moment, somewhat resembling a husband who was randomly asked how many years he had been married with his wife standing next to him.  This was of course, a much less stressful question.

My response was not what my friend was expecting.  “Wait, what’s today’s date!”, I exclaimed.  “Oh, man! Yesterday was the 14th.  Yesterday was 10 years!”

December 14th, 2001 was the day I pulled into camp with a truck and trailer full of my belongings… mostly junk I accumulated during High School.  But, I also had a few luxury items, gently used furniture that was given to me by family members.  My cousin and I unloaded everything in less than an hour (yeah, it wasn’t much) and I was officially settled in to my new home, new job, new ministry, new life.

10 years!  It feels like I just got here… aside from almost a dozen unforgettable summer camps, hundreds of staff and volunteers, a multitude of guest groups, and big changes around camp that have culminated over the past decade.

I have greatly enjoyed the past 10 years.  I feel blessed beyond what I deserve.  God is doing great things and I am excited to see what He does over the next 10 years.

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