Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Night Rider

All week Natalie has been asking to go on a hayride...just her and I. She tells anyone she talks to on the phone that she is going on a hayride.

So...the other day I got the tractor out to drive the camp road in an effort to break up the ice that had just started to soften. However, by the time I got things settled in the camp office and had the tire chains in was dark. But that was no reason to cancel the "night ride" as we dubbed it. Down the driveway, all the way to the mailboxes, and back again. As we left camp Natalie's first questions was, "Can we see the llamas and horses down the road?" After explaining that it was too dark she realized the error of your question. On the plus side though we did see Christmas lights on the neighbor's house at the end of the road. Nothing screams "Merry Christmas!" like blue icicle lights.

Here's Natalie and I on our Night Ride.

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