Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Creating Space - D13

What's your favorite space?  Maybe it is a rocking chair by the back window or a breakfast nook where you enjoy a cup of coffee.  Maybe it is a spare room in your house that is an "electronic device free" zone.  It could be a garden bench in your back yard or at a nearby park.  It could also be a hiking trail or a spot alongside a local pond or lake.

Creating space is a great part of our daily or weekly routine.  Having a place to go that invites us to rest and relax is a healthy rhythm in the midst of the busyness of family, work, hobbies, commitments, etc.  However, creating space is not just about finding a place to go, but creating a space where you can be present in God's presence.  More precisely, it is an opportunity for us become intentionally aware of God's presence because we are not occupied or preoccupied with anything but Him.

Around camp we have many of these intentional spaces that invite our campers, staff, volunteers and guests to rest, relax and worship God.  From lean-tos and gazebos to giant logs and garden benches, we love serving others by providing these spaces.

We also have a more intense intentional space we like to call The Cabin.  Some have called it the Hermitage or the Fortress of Solitude because of its size and location.  It is a great space that we enjoy extending to friends, pastors and staff who like the outdoors and need a little help creating some healthy space as part of their rhythm of worshiping God.

What's your favorite space?  Where do you go?  Is it part of a routine or rhythm to intentionally be with God?

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