Thursday, December 20, 2012

You're Worth it - D12

Just five days left until Christmas.  If you are not busy yet... your to do list is probably about to explode or you have gotten everything done early and it is going to take the next five days to recover in time for Christmas morning.  This time of year certainly does ramp things up, from parties and decorations to Christmas movie marathons and wrapping presents.  There are also Christmas plays, church cantatas, your family newsletter and Christmas caroling (if people still do that).  And of course, there is the heart of Christmas... the birth of Jesus.  In the midst of all our festivities is the Christmas Story of Emmanuel, God with us.

In our unwavering busyness we can lose sight of the story that stretches from Christmas Day all the way to Easter.  It is a story about value and worth.  It is a story engulfed by love.

Each year hundreds of people come to Arrowhead.  Guest groups, churches, families, staff members, volunteers, James Projects groups, neighbors and friends call Arrowhead "their camp" for a time.  They differ in age, education, mobility, ability, gender, marital status and a host of other visible and invisible ways.  But, no matter what the difference, the message of the Christmas Story remains the same.

The message is this: You are valuable to God.  Why?  Because He loves you.  For that reason, He sent Jesus, His only Son.  Of course, the story does not end with Christmas.  It ends with Easter.  Because God loves you, you are worth dying for.  Now matter how obvious or subtle the differences God determines value and worth... and He says that everyone is worth dying for.  And that, is cause for celebrating!

Merry Christmas and Happy Easter!

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